if-let Macro in Common Lisp
I recently came across someone using the macro if-let
. I was guessing its purpose is similar to the if let
construct in Rust:
let a: Option<_>;
if let Some(x) = a {
I actually really need something like this. Especially when working on this year’s Advent of Code (AOC), where you often encounter situations like this:
(if (gethash a table)
(setf something (gethash a table))
(print b))
Here, I kind of need to introduce a let
to avoid calling gethash
(let ((v (gethash a table)))
(if v
(setf something v)
(print b)))
I did a bit of searching and found thatone of the most popular Common Lisp libraries, alexandria
, already has this feature. So I decided to run some tests with this macro and its sibling, when-let*
Playing Around
Basic example:
(ql:quickload "alexandria")
(defun provide-value ()
(if (zerop (mod (random 2) 2))
(defun test0 ()
(alexandria:if-let (x (provide-value))
(format t "x has value")
(format t "x has no value")))
Multiple bindings:
(defun test1 ()
((x (provide-value))
(y (provide-value)))
(format t "x and y have values")
(format t "x = ~a, y = ~a" x y)))
This requires all bindings to have values; otherwise, it won’t execute the then
How About when-let
(defun test2 ()
(alexandria:when-let (x (provide-value))
(format t "x has a value~%")
(format t "Running code with x having a value")))
What About let*
Common Lisp already has let*
, which allows you to define values that depend on previously defined ones. I couldn’t findif-let*
, but I did discover when-let*
;; (defun test3 ()
;; (alexandria:if-let* ;; This won't work; there is no `if-let*`
;; ((x (provide-value))
;; (y (provide-value))
;; (yy y))
;; (format t "x and y have values")
;; (format t "x = ~a, y = ~a" x y)))
(defun test4 ()
((x (provide-value))
(y (provide-value))
(yy y))
(format t "x has value ~a~%" x)
(format t "y has value ~a~%" y)
(format t "Running with all values present, yy = ~a~%" yy)))
Wrapping Up
Back to the initial example, I can now write:
(if-let ((v (gethash a table)))
(setf something v)
(print b))
Pretty nice, right?